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To register for JSCraftCamp you have to add a json file with your name and some other information to our GitHub Repository via a Pull Request . Registration is free of charge. Your json file should follow the naming scheme $name_or_nickname.json and must be placed in the folder participants. The structure of the file is described below.

To test if your json file is a valid registration you can run npm test (more details about this are in the README ). Invalid registrations will be rejected. If you need any help with registration, don't hesitate to contact one of the team

Out of these files a page with information about all participants will be generated.

To unregister please write another pull request or let us know.

The JSON Format

    "name": "My Name",
    "company": "my company",
    "when": {
      "friday": true,
      "saturday": false
    "tags": ["ReScript", "Svelte", "Zustand", "GraphQL"],
    "vegan": false,
    "vegetarian": false,
    "allergies": "",
    "what_is_my_connection_to_javascript": "...",
    "what_can_i_contribute": "???",
    "tshirt": "/^(W|M)-(S|M|L|XL)$/",
    "twitter": ""
name * first name and last name or a nick name
company A company
when.friday * If you are attending on Friday (Boolean value)
when.saturday * If you are attending on Saturday (Boolean value)
tags * Share what you think is important, use at least one tag. (Array of strings)
vegan * Just for planning: Let us know if you are a vegan** (Boolean value)
vegetarian * Just for planning: Let us know if you are a vegetarian** (Boolean value)
allergies Tell us if you have any special dietary requirements**
what_is_my_connection_to_javascript * 2-5 sentences about your experience with JavaScript or related technologies.
what_can_i_contribute 1-3 sentences about what you would like to contribute to the BarCamp.
tshirt ** We will have a limited number of t-shirts with the event and sponsor logos. If you want one: fit (W=women, M=Man) and size (S,M,L,XL,XXL), e.g. W-S or M-XL. If your registration is shortly before the event there might be no time to have a t-shirt produced for you, please be aware.
twitter Your Twitter handle without the leading @.

*: mandatory field

**: This is a free and completely sponsored event. Even though we want to try, we can not guarantee to be able to respect every dietary requirement